Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm into d'lish @ Mid Valley... arrrrr so Nigella Lawson-decor-look alike, simple food I'm happy cause my type of food/diet is available over there, sandwiches is over flown, juices, H2O, and chips and it's a BIG THING for meeeeeeeee.. and thats my new addiction/crave.. but I don't like the Indian guy who work over there.. ngeeeeeee he thought he is Kanye West??? not even close to my kedai runcit man!!!!...arghhhhhhh but I'm happy to be seated and enjoy my my meal.. late breakfast come brunch~
Posted by
9:05 AM
People keep talking, They can say what they like~
-but all I know is everything's gonna be alright

That abang is cacat/jalan senget/kaki pendek sebelah, that kakak is so perfect because she received/holding a stalk of rose given by that abang disable *almost to maybe* aaaa I haven;t receive any though, not even from disable person *sigh* he might be physically disable but his heart is more than perfectttttt....
Posted by
8:06 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Jumpering nite~
Apart from suffering from PMS and finishing my thesis writing.. ah haa.. Luckily Im able to accept Z's invitation for Jumper's premier @ Pavilion KL ahahha I'm very super jakun.... haven't been to any movie premier and Pavilion ..hihihi.. I have doubt on what to wear? cause seems the red carpet event need u to be super glamor and over the top.. but Z said be in whatever Im comfy with so here
Im end up in my torn jeans and tee and pashmina *owh Mika Inspired* ala wintery laa tuhh.. playing pretend with Z as if we are an invited artist..alalalal no-paparazzi-act ahahha *poyo* a bit stuck up because we need to leave our hp and digital's outside the cinema.. *grand kan!* I almost slept thru the movie *so not my cuppa tea* but I made thru the movie!..seated along dj's/fahrin and si Linda O *arghhhhh get a room* each of our movement being ctrled by the safety guard???
Roughly the movie is boring and I cant enjoy much beside Rachel Bilson and Rome?? :)
Posted by
9:02 PM
comot/busok/messy = Fruit Salad Me
blogggggggg I miss U so much.. owh its been a while that I didnt step in fer blogging..Im suffocated among thesis writing and model making and studio works..and full filling people's request and needs.. *ah haa* catching up deadliest dateline and whatsoever related.. argh.. now Im back!! vomiting whatever is type-able.. its also tiring running around catching and killing stupid rats~*u dont want to know, Ive suffered a lot ok!*... So welcome me back!!!
Posted by
8:48 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Rohaizu and Norhayati... *is getting a room/cage* ahahha
Dungun, brand nu day!!!..

adik/abang/machoooo*macam UG band member*: owhh, kalau tak ade kat situ dah abis ar tuh..
me: okheyyyhhh takper arr ~
adik/abang/machoooo*macam UG band member*: ade buat makan-makan ke??
me: makan sendirik je!!
-aku pon amik, ar es lemon t ngan kacang to the cashier-
adik/abang/machoooo*macam UG band member*: orang sini ke??
me: tak, org shah alam dok hotel uitm.. balik kg jek..
adik/abang/machoooo*macam UG band member*: ooo blaja kat uitm shah alam ke..
me: tak lew kat tempat lain, saje balik kg *eh sebok plak dier neh sib baik ensem*..err awak student itm dungun ke???
adik/abang/machoooo*macam UG band member*:tak, ISTERI saya ngajar kat politek dungun... saya dlu keje kat pencala link site supervisor...
me: owh iyer keeeeeee *tunduk* *lewww takpayah betahu pon takpe..tak tanye pOnnn* GET A CAGE!!!
on e way out sempat kata.. ok selamat bercuti.... FEKH ittttttttt laaaaaaa weyyyy
Posted by
12:34 PM
oOoOo balik kampung \o/ \o/ ~
yes~ apart from many things is still left to be completed back here in Bangkok, I went back for my kazen's wedding @ Trganu.. not so close kazen but yeah just to accompany my parent, no big deal, by e way I miss my kampung badly so its not a big deal for me to pack mu duffel and join the journey to Trg.
It was a simple yet complicated for me at the ceremony, its been a while I stop visiting or attending weddings/engagement or any functions that arghh u figure it out ok!!!... Unless its my close relative/friends than I will attend.. From Bangkok - Kuantan, stops at my aunt's place, to drop my gramma, and than meet my lovely Rudy and Armand and indulge myself with some chinese new year kerepek, captivated with their new Nintendo Wii and so on.. than leave to Dungun where the actual party site!.. ahah
Posted by
10:40 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
harapan tipis...
yeah I bought a new sandal at Pedal Works, Subang and several norm tee, would love to wear during my Chinese new year holiday, starting from tomorrow.. Ahahah theme for dis month is plain white tee and sempoi sempoian.. love my new polo shirt and tee would go with my shorts and pumpz..suka dehhh suka buengat....tapi tak best sebab decreasing my bank acc balance...dang!! and tot of buying that kewl clutch at Blook but its ok..i'll drag my Nine West's, Ettiene Aigner's and even Marc Jacobs.. so what.. guna je la apa yang ada!!!...
Posted by
7:23 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Masih ada Harapan Lagi - Cross Country -
Ahahahha.. ape cerita saiko aku ari neh, sebelum pukul 8 pagi text + call ChicSu ajak gi beli Make-up, shopping for beauty product..but CS ada hal.. soooo lepak2 saja kat rumah bajet kuar ngan papa ar pegi Subang Parade since Azura ade interview la la la la.. tak tahann by 12.30 confide kat papa ..suruh hantar pergi komuter bt3 so I can go to Mid Valley and balik dengan my mum.. ahah belom apa2 dah booking single viewer for movie..P2 roarr!!!!
By e way if u ppl baca Cleo, its written on Horoscope for Leo 4th is one of the lucky day hahaha memang la kot...dramatik jugak laaaaaaaaa.. *well aku memang dama!!*
Dalam Komuter...
- stress sebab ader mat INDON ke RIAU ke mana ke dok sibOk2 tanye aku dengar lagu apa.. result = tak layan *thanks to iPhone*
- best, sebab main mata ngan mat/adik depan aku..wohoo dier cam nak tegur...tapi cam tak terdaya..
- happy, sebab masa dier turun dah kuar komuter dier pandang and senyum *arghh walaupun aku dalam keadaan x besemangat nak dress up*
- di kerumuni mat2 kacak ala : Joni Dep dan Wang Lee Hom dan beberapa artis watsoever
- stress sebab komuter lambat
- happy aku sampai komuter sampai pastuh sempat kejar
- takot sebab on e way balik ke kl sentral, dalam ramai2 orang ade pakcik neh keep on staring ..not my type of UNCLE and macam nak pukau!!!
- bencik..orang berpusu pusu ketiak busuk, beg pastik La Senza sangkut kat celah2 perut orang lucky me semua ok
Kl Sentral
- Suka dapat tolong orang buta keep on his track
- suka dapat dinner kat Apple Strudel ehehhe jumpa dan bergelak ketawa ngan mat nama Zul ahahhaha
- tak suka ade skinny minah enterframe..
- Suka sebab sampai 10 min lambat nak kolek tiket, flirt ngan India nama Dinesh terus dapat..ah haa
- tak suka benefit nye podak sebab tah main2 sangat packaging semat...
- suka benefit nyer podak benetint kot macam nail polish tapi act as blusher and lippie
- muka macam clown si budak Benefit tuh men muka aku, but good kastemer sevis..kipap girl!
- suka kat Bobbi Brown Esther Lim Sr. Make Up artist touch up owhh so natural warm and lovely hahahaha
- bengang, splurge kat Bobi Brown *whatever*
- benci pekerja Vincci bad customer service, hello aku sambut CNY jugak ok!!!
- stress salah satu tshirt from FOS ketat ..nyampah!!
- suka PLAIN WHITE TEE Topman..murah dah soo MIKA ahahhaha *whatever*
- menyesal la jugak splurge sana sini.. well well well...
Posted by
10:16 PM
P2 roarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
I'm thriller/horror freak!!! P2 is my first horror movie fer this year I've watched Sweeney Todd but i slept half way thru...but today I watched P2...arghh that was just like rough sex on washing machine/ice-cream with double topping/tido time hujan/korek tinger tahap best thriller *fakhery! by whatever* everything went well even the stupid girl was shouting mad during the preview..ape ke begok!..well even the man next to me was covering his mouth with hand..ahah whoever whenever pergi la tengOk...
p/s: maybe its just me and thriller, but I guess iz more than that, even some of the website wrote P2 was the worst preview

November 9th, 2007 (wide) | |||
Summit Entertainment | |||
Franck Khalfoun | |||
Grace Lynn Kung, Rachel Nichols, Simon Reynolds, Wes Bentley | |||
| |||
Horror, Suspense | |||
Click here to view site | |||
Rated R for strong violence/gore, terror and language. | |||
98 min | |||
English | |||
Unknown | |||
$2,200,000 | |||
$3,995,018 |
Posted by
10:07 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
weekender me!!!
Today start life with Roti Boom brekkie with my mum at Pasar Tani, can't do much cause still hangover with last nite food..but while I'm ordering my Es T kureng menes..this kakak that we sat next to..was sibuk2 laughing at the way I ordered my orederan...suka ati ar.. Owh so sorry if I'm being too intimate with the 'adik' just me.. apsal dia nak sibOk2 jaga je la anak dier ngan bibik dier and whoever shez with tuuu.. arghh can't careless ..'Kakak' stop exciting abt me !! get a cage!!!!!!
Than those craziness were swept away by purchasing some cheap and cute *maybe* Pj's/Seluar Malas/Biggy Baju Tidor those lovelies are fer me nieces and I bought some too.. got me a gray skirt simple simplee and seluar malas berbunga..owh so nak pakai during my shopping relax and laid back.. fekh it whatever...
Posted by
7:36 PM
~drugged tummy~
ahhaha drama drama !!!.. tengah wat saimen ader orang call asking me dah dinner ke belom? So i belom.. 45 minutes theres an arrival of -delivered under hujan renyai2...arghh laparr puas hati *maybe*
- Pak Ayob's fried mee hoon kecap + pedas + sayur
- sambel sotong *sotong basah + kacang*
- telur rebus
- extra-extra timun *so healthy la kannn* :P
- limau es kureng manis
Posted by
7:19 PM