- I'm constantly hit the toilet/purging and indeed of watching online porn!.... How may I concentrate on to it when my bowel is activated, I ended up being stress and angry, esp to myself (is there others joining me?) Why do I suffered myself badly at this kind of situation where I'd be leaving to god-knows-where in a few hrs times, I haven't sleep and best haven't packed! And I'm torturing myself watching an outdated porn! What is actually the need or the best situation to watch porn? is it when your tummy isn't gastronomically contained. When u have earphone to be enjoyed alone??? I don't know but I thing for sure is not when you are jamu-drugged and your bowel is actively activated *sigh* yeah another thing to be added to the list is when it doesn't buffer more than u can wait, when the waiting is as the same amount as u are able to bake a multi-layered cake, might as well U bake yr cake and watch porn at the same time so U don't feel bad from the buffering-waiting-thingy *another sigh*
The reason of me multi tasking while do the porn junk is also when I'm annoyed to the cast who looked like TARZAN! it should be steamy not funny!
Friday, October 31, 2008
easily annoyed
Posted by
11:50 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
seeeeeeeeee!! lookkkkkkk!!!!!!!!
It's half past midnight! and I'm hungry after my last 6-7 hrs meal! and I need to eat but someone has taken my soup bowl away where I always kept at my pantry! I'm lazy to go down, just I'm scared, what if on my way down, I'm going to meet my ex-bf or someone hello me and it's my-9-years-I'm-waiting-4-U-wish-u-b-back bf Nazri! or worst my nutritionist Dr.Amin who I've been imagining to 'be' with ever since! ahahah
I only have few choice that is drinking glass and butter/cookies-storage bowl, so I choose what is similar to bowl! ahah and I eat using this bowl look alike which is a cookies-storage bowl (so who wants to marry me??)
Posted by
11:59 PM
kring kring to krong krong~~~~

Wak Dojo: kring kring kring
Henpon: takde nomo tak hektip
Wak Dojo: cuba lagi
kesudahan: mati kering
Kisah 2
Dola Santek: kring kring
Henpon: eh neh no baru
Dola Santek: Hello I'm Emilio Astroban from the asian fud cenel!
Kisah 3
pemanggil bersiri: kring kring krong krong
henpon: efek lambat
pemanggil bersiri: tunggu laaa
henpon: bunyi tadak hangkat!
kesudahan: nak carik emilio astroban!
p/s: kene sumpahan ke? adehh kene panah petir!
Posted by
11:04 PM
feeling good!
it's early not that early! still in my robe and after-shower-messs, can't wait to eat my french toast (roti telur jerr!) Today is my first time taking a class photo standing by my students! as a teacher!! I'm kind of excited, though the downside is both of my baju kurungs is still in the wash basin!...I'm going to wear my black baju kurung though it is shabby its comforting at the same time!, and I believes I do look good in it!!!! woohooooooooo
Posted by
7:24 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
rindu is miss!

- Kunari
- Haziq
- TMJ!! di kedai Hardware
- A.B di Mc D Giant
- 1st gaji
- Sham Ikea
- IKEA itself
- rojak Kelantan
- Abang Nasik Lemak panas
- Abang rojak celup2
- ingat tak Steven yang polis tuhh
- banyak yang bestttt....
- esp masa TMJ buat hal...aaaaaaa muahssssssss
Posted by
9:26 PM
slipping away
no doubt about it as time goes by, I realized that I'm getting older too but I'm young at heart but sometimes/somethings/someone is best to chose the 'oldies' aahah.. Something must went awfully wrong (maybe the influenza I suffered way back in Ramadhan that have taken my smelling and tasting senses temporarily!) As I dashed to Subang Parade for pot-hunting and splurge for the multi-grains consume product and going-green for crazy, I bought myself bottles of supplement such as Calcium+Magnesium tablets, I guessed I'm influenced by the Anlene add's by Dato' Michelle Yeoh about the increasing number of women who suffered from Osteoporosis, the scary truth does pushed to purchase more sometimes!...
Posted by
9:33 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
when I failed to ;.
- speak out whatever I wished, to whoever I felt to tell who (I think) deserved to know what I felt, but I didn't manage to tell,call,express using any of my organs/medium/methods or worst I'M SCARED, I guess my last resort is to write and still I didn't/lazy to post it out so let me BLOG it... it's more telling the person my feeling towards them..or how sorry/hate/in love/lustrous? to them...
I felt bad by doing this but by all means I mean it good..eheh This is where www.titled4u.blogspot.com is born, felt the best way to channel my expressive expression!... (must I imagined u there!)
p/s: it's a cracked of me to blab about this 'newborn', the write up is here and there, cause I'm freshed from the 'lunch' had with my 'friend' The hummping and shouting is hysterically physical and stamina-eating moment (got me??) ehem hemm
Posted by
2:05 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
6:39 a.m in Malaysia
mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu
telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja
Posted by
6:36 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
(Selimut putih)
Takziah kepada saya yang telah kematian seorang kawan, kawan yang saya kongsi cerita cinta jiwa,kawan ketawa dan kawan yang saya tunggu dengan lama, dia akhirnya meninggal. Hari ini saya kehilangan seorang kawan, walaupun bukan kehilangan besar tapi hilang tuh tetap hilang, yes meninggal. Putus dunia akhirat.... (takutkan)
Saya tahu dia berpenyakit, tapi sebagai manusia saya rasa semua orang patut diberikan kawan/peluang, lagipun saya kawan semua orang yang tak ketiak/mulut busuk (tp kadang2 kawan jugak) tapi semalam penyakit kawan saya menjadi semakin teruk, dan tak dapat lagi diselamatkan, manusia pergi dan datang, jadi hari ini dia meninggal....
Keadaan pemergiannya sungguh mengaibkan, dan pasti saya doakan dia pergi dengan tenang (tp saya rasa dia macam tak tenang, cam kene tendang jek) ~
Hari ni sebelum dia meninggal saya rasa rindu sangat dekat dia, saat2 pemergian dia saya rasa azabnya saya juga dengan tidak kena mengena saya kongsi sekali (kuatkan semangat Wesley Gibson!) tapi saya tabah, sangat tabah, untuk menghargai pemergian/sepeninggalan nya meninggalkan jasadnya saya bakal berkabung diri dengan membeli silikon cover untuk iPhone yang baru kat Garden, dan make-up2 kan iPhone saya kasi up sikit. Mungkin beli Tankini, lepas tuh jumpa Dr. Amin dan pergi urut2, gosok2 diri sendiri...
Sila lah tahu semua bahawa pemergian si mati ini memberi kesan tak banyak tapi sikit pada saya, sebab 1-2 hari sebelum dia meninggal saya sudah tahu yang dia akan mati. Saya sudah bersedia emosi dan fisikal untuk menerima kematian si mati. (kawan saya mati ok!) saya sempat menasihatkan dia sebaris dua kata azimat nasihat tapi agak pedas sikit sebab dia tengah nazak nak meninggal dan kata2 saya menyayat hati... kepada si mati - sumpah takziah saya pada kamu.. amin..
Posted by
10:09 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Perhentian Bas bergerak!
p/s: but somehow I want more~ -apa motif neh Kika?? sbb Awang takde gi main!
Posted by
4:25 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I do but I dont!
So it's dull evening and a head full withe cravings (part of it is BK, burger king! ya all) it's almost 1 and 1/2 year I left BK for O'Brien (ahahah)
I hit the chat room and met this man who nicked himself as a*mi_32, as we chatted, he asked me am I single? I said hurm I don't have anyone special though I'm seeing someone now, (biasalaa tuh) So he asked me again, when I'm planning to get married and I replied (I don't know too) and he said If he is willing to marry me, am I willing to accept him, with a dash of mastering-typing I typed YES!!!! (ahahaha this happen everywhere,anywhere and to whoever I like) In a few min, from chat room to IM, ah haa and we swapped each other picture, and I guess he viewed my Myspace account and browse thru and several question that turn me off and let him off the grip (though his pic, is convincing) and he said he is a drought man who also an Interior Designer in Ampang ...(Aku ponnnnn!)
Time to share now~
(He is the one in blue shirt! ah ha cute isn't it, but its a germmmmmmm)
- he said how I'm going to wifed you since u r chinese (though I said, I'm a product of mix parentage, and born as an Islam)
- and he criticized the way I dress, too revealing/sexy?, and he is asking me to change the way I dress to full filled his family background that is 'beragama' - pious! (dude u know me like, few min and u r asking those, no wonder ~)
- I'm speechless and I choose not to further this roller coaster ride with this so called whatever it is...
- attitude
- thought I'm the one with the 'A' problem but it turn out that I'm not alone and I'm 'sharing'
- if he is freaking perfect and pious why can't he thought me for the 'better-me' and the way he starts commenting wasn't that polite
- germmmmmmmmm!
Posted by
9:32 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
old fashion me!
One Wednesday morning, it's an outing for the students to the park, other teacher + me left for the joy ride, as times past by, I found Faris Rais, a 5 yrs old cuties was sitting silently, so I approached him and chatted with him~
He told me his biggest interest is Play Station (ps) so I said me too (i do have ps2,psp,Xbox, but failed to be the best at any).. Fais kept telling me he wants to go home and indulge himself with his so-called gadget (and he know most of the games compared to his 'teacher' who manage to know the all time fav is Mario Bro's) he replied, "mak saya pun suka main Mario Bro!' (sad sad sad me, I told myself I need to improve on this section, where more games beside Power Puff and Harry Potter!)
p/s - faris life is more than Play Station, you can always hit the 'NET' for a better indulgance, trust your teacher!!
Posted by
8:35 PM
xXXL for better!
- :- not willing to share my button-nose with the public, my biggest disturbia is my button-nose (dear, GOD, I'm blessed with my nose, thank you! but a bit segan laaa..)
- :-ready for my driving license
- :- shared my new big O reading glasses with my students (the f***-ing love it!)
- :-managed to smile at the local grocer in my brand new spec, (Pasar Segar man/boy uishh hemsemm)
- :- very super comfortable compared to my other glasses and lens! ahah (religiously wearing it!
- :-cha, you don't mind rite befriend with a buttoned-nose kawan rite?
Posted by
8:04 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
ray-a- joy!
Hari nieh semua orang dekat tadika :
- pakai baju raya
- bawak makanan ala potluck
- happy-happy
- pakai kasut raya
- takbir raya
- nyanyi lagu raya
- dapat angpow raya
- makan ice-cream percuma
- setiap kelas 4-6 tahun kene buat persembahan....
- everyones is so anxious and happy and overjoyed and extremely is added to any (extremely hyperactive, extremely naughty, extremely dressed)
- me myself busy snapping picture, for my own guilty pleasure 9actually I was playing around with the kids) unlike other teacher they are busy with the food and managing the cutlery!
- as I snapped few pics, the memoir I've share for almost 1/2 a year with them seems so clear and fresh! (alahai moment)

Kisah Afiq dan Teacher!!
(satu pagi, when I reached tadika)
Afiq: Teacherrrrrrrrr
Teacher: yerrrrrrrrrr
(x sempat letak beg/masuk dalam tadika)
Afiq: Muka teacher selalu macam baby
Teacher: *flatteringggggggg owhhh* tq Afiq
Afiq: Saya nak kawin dengan Teacher
Teacher:Tq Afiq.. but Afiq kecik lagi and you can only talk about kawin when u can afford to buy cars (with S)
Afiq: esok saya nak jadi besar!
Teacher: ah haaaaaaaaaa.. ok I can't promise that I can wait that long, nanti anak murid teacher yang lain pon nak jugak... (Afiqqqqqqqqq, kanak2 yang suka merajuk! mengadu domba suka makan dan baru 5 tahun)
Satu hari tengah sibuk2 semua orang buat latihan dalam kelas, tiba2 Teacher bersuara~
Teacher: eh Arief awak suka Aisyah Zambri eh?
(Aisyah Zambri senyum bermakna)
Arief: (dengan spontan-selamber) tak, saya suka Liyana Maisarah!
Teacher: (make good) alaaa tapi awak 'kawan diakan' !! kita hidup kene berkawan ramai! (life lesson that hardly people will tell U *dats y I'm teaching*)
Selang beberapa hari, Arief kata dia suka Aisyah Zambri pulak! (pelik la uuuuu!!)

Arief Rezza (slow paced tapi pandai jugak) Aisyah Zambri (pandai-laid back-fast learner-macho-pegang lipas ngan tangan-pegang cicak camtuh je)
p/s: bergambar dengan suruhan Teacher!
Posted by
8:50 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Something bad came up early this week, so I'm taking a life changing decision (part of it is something pending for ages) , part of it is I need to do the prep for my driving license course, I need a brand new (improved) reading glasses, Its being a year of me thinking about what kind of frame that are interesting and suit me (not to say best, but suit my chubby face)~..
So after work (1230 pm) I went to Sg. Wang to do the frame hunting!.. The best thing is, I'm in my baju raya, my baju kurung raya, and I toured Sg. Wang and got myself an extra frame (sunnies junkies), different type since the glasses can be removed and add on with the 'powered' glass (I'm assuming words here) ~ There u go I'm in my baju raya + my Kipling, Zebra printed backpack + Andy (the monkey hung on to my backpack, sucking his thumb) I'm dragging my not smelly, but high-school-girl- came out of nowhere kind of situation not mess, but careless/carefree seems like I'm totally not me ! eheheh..
It's so back to the days when I'm still baju kurung is the in thing!(still is though) and kind of retro (plus the selection of frames define RETRO) ah haa
Posted by
8:27 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
penantian satu penyek'seks'aan~
Dah masuk hari ke-4 aku balik kampung, I,ve eaten so many things, lemang to ketupat, biskut raya to kuih raya, and on the 4th day I felt that I'm suffering, not from the daily bloatness, I'm horny, I need to eat 'man', nahh nahh nahh I can't have it hear caused too risky! and is far from my comfort zone, since I'm travelling with my parent and my nieces and nephews, arghhhhhhh I need it badly, as I have this urge when I rode the elevator just now with so-called-my -type- of man and I had this adrenaline rush all over me and I can feel that the word HORNY embossed all around my forehead!.. Sighh, It's been a while ... U get what I mean right?
Posted by
10:30 AM