ive missed several therapy session, today I made my comeback, need another mental and physical test, it turn out sucks!...
Therapist: what happen to your result..
Me: indiscipline!
Therapist: lack of recovery time, too stress out, bad diet, irregular therapy session
Me: ya ya ya too many "W" invitation that sicken me out *saying under my breathe*
Therapist: pls sleep early tonight pls pls pls, make it at 9 or b4 11
Me: ROFL, get a life MR!
Walking to Subang Parade + crying, not bothering some hot uncle, felt bad ugly and worthless in my PJs,
drop by at Body Shop SP *need to shop in order to pump my self esteem back*, greeted by some unruly overly make up mammal wearing whatever sarong! give me that 5 cent looks,
I end up buying something with orange container, something that can bring my youthfulness back in minute ha ha ha...shopping is a treatment too!! End up buying unintended goods, such as facial mask at Elianto and make up remover :P
p/s: wearing facial mask in the car, acting like after-facelift-nosejob-me, actually its a tribute to JACKO!!
p/s: no paparazzi pls! TQ!
p/s: im ok now, a lil sour but creamy meeee!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
all left to do is run!
Posted by
6:57 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
terbalik seluruh duniaku!
it's been a hectic week, a.m-p.m kitchen session, sleepless night getting the cookies ready for the charity sale. The nerves is ticking nervously, sleep is just an action without feeling, but it turn out superb, here I would thank : *im head over heel about my baby project*
Cik Mat
-For the superb cake recipes
my family monopoly
- for everything
-for giving me the courage from an ID to someone who are involves in cooking (chef is too cheffery ok!!)
- the ideas, the mutual strength tq tq tq
The sale easily went off, cakes sold in minutes some in second, during the cake testing this lady make an on the spot order for her function on that night itself!!!.. phewww
I survived 2 huge cakes using my small oven (trust me a lot like the size of an A3 paper*not that wide*) phewww, the result is superb, the final product and the comment is beyond average...
p/s: I think he likes me and I think I like him too...
p/s: sedapnya hati tidak jemu tak sabar bermanja hanya sehari tak bertemu macam selamanya...
p/s: aku terseksa dengan sendu bila engkau jauh, aku bermimpi riang terbang pagi sampai senja
p/s: cinta dihati sudah kembang untuk engkau saja - sampai terbalik seluruh duniaku
p/s: my mistake too much dream on the spot.. ahahah
p/s: bila ku layu lagi sedih
Posted by
6:40 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009
miss u like candy
- I miss u all :))
- absolutely busy classes/kitchen
- nervous about going public abt my food
- nervous nervous
- busy busy with orders...
- miss u ppl muahssssssss
- sex is a big miss...
Posted by
8:22 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
lifeless motionless
i got no feeling, i'm trying to gain my feeling as much as possible, it irritates me badly about my no-feeling-feeling... My therapist asked to see him as often as possible, my feeling graph drop drastically. The shaman who gives spiritual helps is trying his best to help. Ive lost interest in getting to know ppl, attending public function la la la la etc.
My friends is helping too.. good luck to everyone.. Im losing the will to feel :P
Posted by
11:53 PM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
King Jamil
I'm stressed because King Jamil will be taking over my class and he is super professional and I'm unable to peel ubi keledek properly woohooooooooooo I'm superstar stress!!
King Jamil (no idea about this uncle, but as he was telling about his so called life experience, my heart's racing faster and I'm no longer sleeping !)
- Sultanah (is it right?) Bolkiah's master cook,
- personal cook for the king's
- cook for M.Jackson and Whitney Houston (la la la)
- airline's cook
- worked all around the world
- with 5 * hotels and resorts
- senior chef
- alim / pious
- strictttttttttttttttttt habes wa cakap beb
- well known as an underground chef
- not popular but dangerously popular (silent killer)
- I'M PANIC AND SCARED with his TAG LINE (pantas cekap amanah - PCA) woahh amanah mungkin boleh tapi lagi 2 ...tak pernah tercapai
- pet name : King Jamil
Posted by
8:31 AM