Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy tengs giving to me~

I don't know it's few weeks before X'mas and its few days after Thanks Giving, I was whining to myself about u know, mans, and loads of assignment and few other extra pounds loaded up previously.. hell to it and suddenly someone so kind handed me this lovely iPhone by Apple *sad, I'm far away from gizmo/IT/weird gadget thing* and I still remember the my first iPod given by someone to me and I do not know that iPod actually existed, not until someone gave to me and I blindly have to do the homework by googling/yahooing online about the existence of iPod.. ya ya ya maybe i spell it wrongly, simple simple make life simple no fuss no stress it took me several week to appreciate this thing call iPhone, but I'm glad to be given one .. yeahh thats for my Thanks Giving pressie.... thank you 'man' -

Little iPhone among other junkies....

Heppi Tengs Giving eheheh belated I guess~

1 comment:

suya said...

like ur nu gadget madget