Sunday, February 3, 2008

~drugged tummy~

ahhaha drama drama !!!.. tengah wat saimen ader orang call asking me dah dinner ke belom? So i belom.. 45 minutes theres an arrival of -delivered under hujan renyai2...arghh laparr puas hati *maybe*

  1. Pak Ayob's fried mee hoon kecap + pedas + sayur
  2. sambel sotong *sotong basah + kacang*
  3. telur rebus
  4. extra-extra timun *so healthy la kannn* :P
  5. limau es kureng manis
can't imagine I'm loading my tummy with those tapau's..eheh so laid back..Lepas makan failed to to mek laf sebab perut kenyang...rosak rosak

Credit to 'Z' under the hujan in my bebe dol dwesh..ahah perot moncet pon tak kesah ar...

1 comment:

suya said...

awww so schweet of himmm
sedap gile nmpk mihun goweng iteeww