Friday, April 4, 2008


pada suatu malam, saya mengidam nak makan ikan (the only meat that i eat!) So I suggested to my mum and dad that we should go for Japanese!!.. Lagipun, kerinduan untuk se-table dengan my parent sudah lama dirindui sebab semua orang sibuk or pretend to be one!... So with my simple tee and jeans.. I thought we go to Sushi King but my mum insisted, she wants something closer to home, so we went to Holiday Inn Glenmarie, and makan over there, lovely place, slow service..arghh good ambiance though!.. nyummayyyy...4 bulan sekali will do!..slow sangat service nyer~...

Lovely, lampu bulat2 on the garden. sexyehh!!

fresh, sexy, and inviting!!! nyummayyy!!


my painkillers!!!

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