ps: demi semua yang aku jalani bersamamu
pss: dirimu yang bisa membawa syurga di dalam hatimu
ps: demi semua yang aku jalani bersamamu
pss: dirimu yang bisa membawa syurga di dalam hatimu
Posted by
11:38 PM
I'M not a cat person, but meet OUR cat CANTIKA ASHLYN (I heard its a HE)
ps: without any reason I'm placing Ashlyn's on board!
Posted by
4:07 PM
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away" - when everyone left home for swimming (inclusive the kids) I was alone with the 2 maids and my nanna, he came to me, I was still groggy in my disgusting Baju Kelawar, he is still the same the well dressed (board short + T) tak mandi I don't bother to take a shower or do anything, I'm stunt when he arrived, well this is me messy me, (take it or leave it) we had fun, we played catch and hide and seek, yeah unusual activity for the grown up, but who cares? this is it, at one point we are clashing with James Ingram and Dolly Parton on the other hand we are playing hide and seek, ~ love struck ~
I made froggy looking pancake for brunch... we ate and spend times, watching TV, and be in each other arms, and watch Hentai *grrrrrrrrrr*
DO IT with Nutella,Peanut B, Jammyy or Sambal *love ya muahs*
when you're gone ~ =``((
ps:: that is not a Babi face ok *it's "halal"*
Posted by
9:49 AM
keadaan/perkara yang boleh buat aku berhenti dari melakukan sesuatu yang sedang dilakukan...
dia:: hi dah mandi ??
aku: belom, mampu gosok gigi jer
dia:: anak dara kalau mandi lewat sampai bila2 tak ada orang nak kawin dengan dia
aku: (habis orang kat kutub2 sana yang x mandi sebab sejuk, kawin jek, takde pon x kawin, KURAFAT ke neh) - ada kerja/pelajaran/scandal
dia:: ada bf tapi tak kawin takde makne nyer
aku: (diam) ok NEXT!
dia:: hai dah bfast
aku: baru celik mata
dia:: tak tolong mak ke, kesian dia sorang2 kat dapo
aku: dia keluar
dia:: pg la masak meggi ke ape ke
aku: dia keluar cari makanan
dia:: awak orang kaya, saya orang miskin kita berbeza, cara hidup pun berbeza -
aku: ?????
dia:: eh awak suka masuk dapur tak?? reti masak Asam Pedas tak
aku: http://www.mesra.net/ (ok TATA??)
dia:: hai makan apa pg ni
aku: nak masak Pancake
dia:: reti ke?
aku: yup
dia:: macam mana nak kirim kat saya?? saya nak rasa juga
aku:: pergila berdoa, semoga tuhan tunjuk arah ke kedai makan
dya:: Sumaaaa, di mana Ais yang ibu beli tadi??
dia:: ini, ini disiniiiii, saya letak di sini tadi, iya iyya
(SAMBIL tunjuk di TEMPAT sayur)
dya:: perhati glazier ais mengalir
(Blah terusssssss)
teacher:: ok tolong warnakan gambar pokok
dia:: saya tak bawak kaler,
teacher:: pinjam/beli/curi
ps:: lebih baik diam
Posted by
9:13 AM
Pt 1
I met someone ONLINE *ah ha* who I guess is fun to get to know to, guy 1 is an Indian who works @ Pos Malaysia, guy 2 is same age with me *only god knows why I chose to chat with him, I usually go for someone much much OLDER and easily know who is JAMES INGRAM and DOLLY PARTON* he told me he is a Pilot, and guy 3 is a Ghanaian who studied @ UM *never in my life, IM still asking WHY*, everything went well with them, I'm ignoring the guy 3, eheh I don't know why, I don't know!!!!!!! gahh!!!!!!!
After a generous goodbye and planning to meet for a 'typical date' with guy 1 and a constantly ignoring Abu the Ghanaian, I went on with guy 2...
Something so cliche, traumatized and unbearably ennui but yet so addictive, I've dated a Pilot before way back when I'm still wearing a school uniform (White and Light Blue) *ah haa* I understand P-I-L-O-T in the consistency of 90/10 ahahha, but this boy *ok hard to be called a MAN* starts talking/blabbing about relationship *obviously with ME* and getting to know me -
less than 3 hrs knowing each other, and minutes on the phone *insufficient credit* -amazingg PILOT eh!!- he said he likes me and willing to get serious *ok OK I still can manage this* but when he said he wanted to asked me TO BE HIS WIFE *I stillll manage to reply* -I slowly start to accept Abu Ghana *I called him Abu Ghana*- at the same time my tummy is churning the whole IDEA of MARRIAGE - ENGAGEMENT- PROPOSAL - ahhhh gahhhh
(I've been in this kind of situation OK, and once I'm drown into this WEDDING PLAN MANIAC thingy, and It was kind of cute at first and head over heels but It won't last *the way U IMAGINE* blahhhh, so I'm good at handling things like this)
Ok so I said -
me:: Since u dead fuck serious, Y don't U come and meet me tomorrow !!
him: Owh soooorrryyy sayang (dear) I have something to do, I have to go to BB PLaza (some mall) to buy somethingggg... some other times ok
me:: Owh OK -was half way chatting with Abu Ghana-
him: tqqqqqqqqqqqq I love uuuuu, I really want u to be my wife, and I really LIKE YOU
me:: aaaaaa I GOT TO GO, I'm about to bath my GOLD FISH (3 a.m)
him: why why, okhhhayy ddddear I want tttoooo sleeepppp
me:: (hit the RED BUTTON on yr upper RIGHT @ YM) tata HISTORY
Pt 2
After a long chat with Abu Ghana, and an endless laughter, HE IS FK FUNNY, just what I needed!! ahah, and he show me his picture ...
him: show me his PIC *framed with hearts and flowers*
me:: U are SCARY
him: u r kidding rite,
me:: seriously U R
him & me :: managed to sort things out, and continue our laughter and whatever more, no no no nothing got to do with the S thingy!! PLSSSSSSSSSS NOOOOOOOO - went on till 4 a.m and sadly I have to say goodbye to Abu Ghana cause I'm about to hit the BUNK
Woke up 4 hrs later and able to make Double Choc Chocolate Chip Cookies & Sweetcorn Chowder with Nachos and Cheeseee, (sober and able to hit the RECIPE with flying color,EAT ME)
sober and making!!! RED RUM utensils
ku pernah punya cinta, namun kini ku suka kamu, cinta ku dlu telah ku buang jauh,-Jadi sebab itu saya kirimkan sup ini kedepan!!
Posted by
7:20 PM
Posted by
11:15 PM
when I'm out of love - argh relic of the yesteryear!!
Pegaga my heartthrob - nyummy -
Posted by
10:18 PM
the scent of melting popcorn still there, lounging in my mouth, smudge of mascara due to the mild down pour while watching Twilight was barely there, burger eaten, I came in and out the room, just to let the smell of him demolish, the hours together, giggling endless touching and pecking each others.... The smell remain still - I'm powerless,
Took my book and went out and do my reading by the pond, flushes of words drenched without even being well sanitized, ah ha just me... I've talk to him, we said goodnight and so on...but still I can't manage to erase him off ~ right after those Good Day Nightmare, someone here for me, *arghhh, I'm in my baju Kelawar* the maid didnt tell me, but that person appeared right close to me, ah ha, "are U working?? it's XMAS aaite" - "No IDEA, its JUST ME, Want to go out??" YES YES YES, I'm there in my baju kelawar hovering all over his manly smell, the crisp of his shirt, his well pressed pants, I'm panting for more!!.. After various of mid night snacking, drive thru and endless tune by James Ingram, we finally at KL yayyy *ah ha I kan orang BUKIT* streaming under the neon light of KL *wahahahha* we talked.. not the serious talk, about life, works, people but NEVER the FUTURE, LOVES and SO ON *mannnnnnnn*....I find that it is interesting to be around him, the way he snatch me off with him after the hell broke to pieces, official meeting and presentation... he steals me away most of the time...
Sometimes its rude when he snatch me off while in ME TIME, reading, thinking bout someone Im into, so disrespectful of him, but his lack of courtesy makes me addicted to him, it's not all about
the way he cupped me in his bear hug
the way he took my hand off, when I saw someone so thinly thinly skinny skinnier than whoever
when he listens to me when all Im telling him was about some other yuppies I'm into.. he listens ..REALLY
when MY baju KELAWAR is worst than my doormat, he is still able to drag me to the public and give me that really big bear hug and sloppy wet kiss, WHY AKU MALU SIOT hah padan la muka
SEX.... no no no
we are not in love, both of us are well clad around our own 'escort' WE are no one,
not his SUV ok!
bollocks.. I'm speechless, at times when I'm wrapped in his shirt the next day, in his boxer with a bowl of sugary cornflakes, I asked myself WHY WHY WHY....this is not me...
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: unwritten
I'm all lathered up in the lush honey-shea butter-macadamia nut oil-mask on my face, I dolloped some cream to my feet and to my elbow before I hit the bed, it's been a while I left all these beauty regime behind~ I get all hyped before I sleep, whoever called me before I sleep get the best of my voice, words and opinion, last night reading was very quick, I can hardly focus on the reading, words and sentences smoked away, and replaced by the thought of meeting him today,
I twinkle on my new shoes, It's been a while that CROCs replaced those feet slashing heels, rocking wedges and even flirty pumps, but today (MERRY XMAS u peeps!!) I'm willing to dash out with heel cladding feet, I turn and twirls in my new shoes, I made a brisk walk along the stretch of houses just to welcome by feet with the new shoes. What makes thing so special???
I'm planning to wear my worn out blue-T, and wide leg jeans, but nahh, that's boring, blahh to late to decide anything ~ I just want to relax, go with the flow, getting ready with the air of James Ingram or Josh Groban, and being seduced by the tune of Andy William, gahhhh this is heaven, my feet are icy cold as I step on the wooden floor, I'm making my way thru a temp. Of happiness...
ps:: The world goes still, so still inside
Posted by
10:38 AM
I've waited for days and nights, each second ticks seems too long for me, I'm super duper fruitless to know that TOMORROW is not XMAS, I blindly thought tomorrow is 25/12, nahh I have to wait another few days till it's XMAS. Urghhh my burning desire is killing me, I'm long to be held and kissed, I 'kept' myself from slipping into the slapdash SEX and KISSES, I'm under control and focus on to my so called DIET, wasn't new maybe, treating myself better!!
When I woke up, I asked one of my ONLINE friend *lazzzyyy* to reassure that tomorrow is XMAS, she got blurred and said NO it's the day after, gahhhh... Words slipped thru my brain, emotion drops unconsciously and words formed, I dried it up to my blog, let it be unclogged... I'm counting days!! I'm peppy but at the same time I'm lethargic, I've planned on what to wear, and planned the best Kodak moment and gesture (I'm typical + Normal) (he will read this, but gahhh who cares?)
Since tomorrow isn't XMAS, I've lost my passionate sense of meeting him and my burning desire is slowly to be tarnished, I'm up for something new, blame me not! It's too long...
ps: Finally I'm missing someone
pss: ............................... (INDESCRIBABLE feeling, sorry)
Posted by
9:29 AM
barang2 semua dah masuk STUDIO, hari ni missed photo shoot sebab bawak D pergi Kinik, dier sakit perut, and kene jaga dia sebab takut Appendiks attack!! *dr yang kata* Lepas suap D makan bubur, aku singgah STUDIO update sikit kerja2 asas~
Aku terbaca satu blog yang mengatakan si kawan yang tinggal di BUKIT JELUTONG (tak tahu Shah Alam ke mana) mengatakan dia dan jiran2 diganggu MAKHLUK halus, memandangkan aku pon menetap di BUKIT JELUTONG SHAH ALAM *aku rasa kawan dia di BJ SHAH ALAM* (memang gossip BJ BERANTU, dah berleluasa) aku jadi seram, aku keluar dari salah satu bilik daripada lapan bilik dan menjerit cari ADIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, biasa dia ada, cari kat bawah, bibik kata ADIB dah naik, jadik aku naik, ADIB tak ada, BABY tunjuk ADIB dengan AFFA kat lua, kat tepi kolam, berkudap KEREPEK BAYAM sambil minum air guna KAKI *dibbbb* aku pon join la si bawah umur bercerita, *cerita HANTU/SERAM la apa lagi, kaut emosi dari atas*
TIBA-TIBA (serius aku TERPERANJAT) bila si Adib pandang tepi dan cakap HOTSTAF HOTSTAF, uik aku ingat HANTU rupanya HOT STUFF, si jiran depan rumah, ala, budak2 yang ala2 INDIE, pakai suar cerut ketat kat kaki, rambut panjang, naik kereta, si AFFA dah bangun berdiri kat belakang tiang *aishh kalau kecik tak apa jugak* - TAPI SEDIH kereta tu dah berlalu
KEJAP LAGI. datang pulak kereta yang di penuhi dengan JEJAKAS, aku berlari laju (SELAMA NEH TAK PERNAH BERLARI!) menyorok belakang TIANG, (ye aku MAKCIKnya!!) owh boleh tahan HOTTTTT, aku jeling2 dan spedo JEJAKAS, arghhh kanak kanak baru MUMAYYIZ, aku pandang DIA, DIA PANDANG AKU *dahhhh time neh dah x menyorok lagi, terang2 aku, dan MEREKA pandang memandang*
ps: selang beberapa hari nanti aku nak mengadakan BBQ PARTY (he he he he he) aku rasa macam nak jemput si JEJAKAS
pss:: hurmmm serious, RUMAH INI dikelilingi oleh MEREKA yang mpunyanyi ANAK HAWT
psss: tapi sayang MEREKA MUDA
pssss: mari ke PARTY KU
Posted by
5:44 PM
ape perasaan kau kalau aku 'hilang' sekali lagi, adakah kau akan cari aku atau pun kau akan diam atauuuuuu kau rindu tanpa mencari, sampailah sangap baru cari... BEGITUkah????
Posted by
11:05 PM
ingin seperti semalam makan 1 kali jek sehari, malam makan karipap 1 (guilty pleasure)... Tapi hari ini tghari dah elok x makan, sampai jek Subang Parade, ade orang tersuap aku nasi lemak, tersuap bubur sikit, beberapa sudu OK lagi latuhh... sampai balik rumah aku terserempak dengan hidangan ubi rebus dan sambal kicap, yang aku idam idam kan selama beberapa hari sudah!!!..
Aku dengan membuta tuli terus melapah ubi rebus sedia dengan menokok tambah cicahan iaitu MAPLE SYRUP dari CANADA, hebak hebak TIMUR BARAT bertembung di dalam perut...
Aku pun selepas makan, makan lah cokelat yang dalam dia ada COOKIES, PEANUT BUTTER dan selepas itu aku mengerang kerana kesal dengan sikap sambil lewa, arghhhh hanya beberapa hari lagi ke Hari Natal.... aku harus meneruskan misi berDIET aku, esOk aku nekad untuk MAKAN BUAH BUAHAN 90% - 10% BENDA LAIN .... demi HARI NATAL
ps: weh SAYA bersungguh neh, nak KELUAR!!
pss: biar la CIRIT BIRIT
psss: PEREMPUAN!!!
pssss: nasib baik tak sambung DONAT cicah SAMBAL
Posted by
10:50 PM
kami main kenduri2 kawin, "Barbie pakai skarf nenek, singlet kakak, crown pakai cincin mama, Ken takde baju jadi kami tukar jadi Hawaiian wedding ok Aunty" -Adibb- "Ok jek, Aunty jadik photographer jer" -Aku-
ps:: bila 2 beranak tak mandi dan bercuti
pss:: Adibb, kecil!!
psss:: bila internet buat hal
pssss:: Inspirasi Mawi Ikin, *gahhhhhhh*
Posted by
1:13 PM
aku tak boleh tido, aku terima panggilan dari sapa ntah yang aku sendiri pon was2 dan tak kenal, dia cakap nak cakap ngan aku, so aku pon kata INILAH AKU, so dia kata nak berbual lucah *eheh* aku kata OK,
dia:: Hi boleh nak bercakap dengan AKU
aku:: ye ini aku
dia:: jom chat lucah ..
aku:: ok jom laa
dia:: kejap eh
----- selang beberapa saat ----
aku:: *TERKEJUT* eh kenapa neh sakit ke, sesak nafas ke, ok ke awak neh???
dia:: takde la saya stim
aku:: SNORT gelakkkk ala vavi
dia:: eh kejap eh, ada orang datang (LETAK TEPON TERUS)
ps: SUMPAH dia bunyik macam orang sesak nafas!!! AKU tak tipuuu
pss:: LAWAK laaa SEJARAH baru!!!
psss:: aduhhssss..... *INSAF*
pssss:: baru berlaku 5 min yang lalu *segar daru ketuhar*
Posted by
3:18 AM
ps: Adib is my niece
pss: I felt bad OK!!
ADIBBBB -cantik- takut datuk bau ehh....
Posted by
6:53 PM
this moment is where drug is needed, I hardly control myself, the only thing I'm capable doing right now is mildly drugging myself and writing, this is the only ways how I can control myself now, Its Maghrib, and its a good time to fight and I'm shivering, teeth gritting and fingers clacking just to control my anger, too many danger's around me, too many things that made me hurt myself, I can easily hurt myself even with this strip of Panadol. What happen, I'm not usually like this, why? Is there anything I've been hiding ever since, that makes me out of my mind, rage is blobbing, I plop down 3 tablets of whatever pills, I can't remember, my legs are cold, and my nose is flushing liquids -
I'm chatting currently, maybe this is also part of anger-theraphy that I'm trying on, if I let myself loose not doing anything I can just do-me-bad in any time, yes Im concious at this moment of time, should I call him, or IM him just to say hi, urgh maybe this is a bad time, scared I'll barf out the impossibilities at him, this is a mess, I'm clueless....
Posted by
8:01 PM
is that hard not butt off from me?? Is it painful when no one upgrade themselves with bucket full of info about me?? Do you religiously need to ask everyone around about my job? my activity? who I'm dating? Why why why??? I'm no one, does my failure spice up your life or does my success is your problem??, does everything about me have to be perfect?
When I said I don't have any driving licence, does that make your evening better? I didn't live under your shelter, I don't hang around with U, no no no I choose my life to be like this, so what if I'm a kindergarten teacher that only earn more than I should, so what?? This is my life, this is my freedom, this is passion, why why?? is it a joke if I'm not a full time Int. Architect... At least I'm not jobless and I got my job by myself not someone who knew my parent, though I can do that in a snap...
People this is FREEDOM, this is LIFE this is what I enjoy doing, UNTIL when??? until forever if I want to, I spend and live the way I'm afforded, it's cool..
Don't bother who I'm dating with, that's my friend... that is MINE, best is MY CHOICE, if he is someone live in a shabby torn shack, who cares, if he got pimple with studded all around his face NO NO NO don't u freaking CARE, it's out of my control if I'M DATING someone can afford to buy me diamond and pearls monthly..so what! This is me, I do whatever that I'm pleased to do.. Even its an eyesore for U, but for me is OK, bug off if U saw me playing hide and seek or play pretend with my nieces, they are mine! and it's fun... and if U happen to know that SEX is my part of my passion, don't u care too!!
If u really care or really wants to butt in, simply ask how am I doing, that's more than BETTER!!..
ps:: doesn't mean u r entitle to be my RELATIVE u can, relatively interfere in my LIFE
pss: If I know what is SEX, U don't have to bother getting your nose into my LIFE and try to talk about it to me
psss: If U live in a boring life, doesn't mean everyone have too~ SIMPLE as that!
pssss: NO, I'm not angry,
psssss: I'm annoyed
Posted by
2:35 PM
pss:: feel free to suggest any names for our LOBSTER
Posted by
11:20 PM
Posted by
10:55 PM
I'm sick - I'm not hypochondriac nor physically ill, but I guess I'm mentally shaken, since I've moved in this xs room in this 8-roomed-5baths-house, this is the given room for me, where I sleep, write, read, change and :)) eheheh the room captured the best scenic compare to my studio sized bedroom, and accompany with the serenading sound from the man made waterfall - but
I'm sick, life wasn't that promising here, about from the multi wall cladding super sized flat screens that can be transformed to become a mattress ehehe it's huge !! The bed is way too smaller than average for me *I think its a day bed* the pillow and EVERYTHING wasn't just right for me, my desktop is not around, I can't survive on this Vaio-chic-rubyred-intelcentrino-yadayadayada, hell yeah I can survive on this lap if I were only to do Myspace and Mp3, the keyboard is not comfy enough for me to do my write up even CYBERSEX was not comforting! Life has change ever since, worst when I doesn't have the access to my channel 733, I miss Jon and Kate and their family!! ouch It's sould bearing life I've been thru ::: I'm flexible at some point but this is way too long for me that its affecting my health and I'm affected, there are some bad reaction that happen to me :::
ps: I'm not somewhere called AMAZON/ JUNGLE/ IRAQ
pss: I'm not one of the LANDSLIDE'S VICTIM *aminnnn*
psss: I'm ME
pssss: Writer's block, SUMPAH scary!!!
Posted by
6:33 AM
U:::: i suka baca hasil penulisan u
so lovely and adorable, u selalu buat pasal cite apa
I::::: Tq, true story
U:::: erm...nanti i baca u punya story k
I::::: it meant no to be read
U:::: Y???
I:::: let it be just like that
ps::: it was there best just like that even b4 U
pss:: no one read about this, and one know it is best to be admired from far, just like 'her'
Posted by
10:24 AM
recognize me,?? remember me::: Im the one :
In my black cardigan, blue T, wide leg jeans, overly accessorized Crocs
feeding porridge to the youngest girl among others
I was the one with the stroller, others clad around my waist, telling me how much they love me and no one to be compared too,keep on calling my name as attention is always needed..this and that is never apart
yes yes yes I was the one who distribute orders and differentiate those spicy and non-mayo to them while exchanging hello on my pinkie Iphone
no it's not your fault to play 'Guess Who' and one of the card is ME ME ME : the young looking mother with 4 children. Amazing ahhh !! I thought so too
I will never wrap myself behind those big baggy outfit or hide myself behind those big pillars with signboard hang to it just to camouflage the idea young-children ahahah I'm proud to accessorized myself with this bunch of 'annoying' 'brat' - they are part of me
no u'll never notice me when I'm with this wheel chair bounded nenek, explaining to her I'm around nenek! no no no I'm not buying those but I'm having this perhaps :)))
silly U to silly me when U know I'm with my mom doing the grocery, yes she is my mum and I owe her more than the bills and boxes of bag - I wanted to let go and be clad around hand twisted,waist hugging with the man I'm hungered for but sometimes I failed when I remember she is the one who hand held me when the drugs had taken over me, and when I realised men wasn't my everything and desire is yet to be controlled (I sounded bad eh)
I agree last weekend when U called, the 'Shall we go for a dance' was laid off because I'm too tired juggling house chores and domestic errands (3 silly maids who can't differentiate between Hand Wash and Machine Wash is bad enough, I work hard for my FCUK's and those Marc Jacob's need to be dust free duhhhh) I'm sorry to U and to my newly bought LBD for not able to strut them in the plastic-neon-disco-lighting and It wasn't your hip that slip through the slit of my LBD when James Ingram serenade the room.. Sorry sorry
is baju Kelawar consider sexy to U???, those night when I'm too tired to do my suspender belt, my bustier is too uncomfortable due to the snacking done by the girls and me, I felt bad to explain yet still able to tell U ''Under this KELAWAR, is NOTHING, U tahu tak''- ever thought of that???
yessss I'm the one next to U when you only left Rm1 while u dated me....the idea of meeting me is just enough for U
U U U U U, remember when we sang together, those lovely 'JUST ONCE'?? every evening before those table are shaken with our endless vibration...
U hate me aren't U? because it wasn't the :: BEST SANGAT , instead ::OK, CAN BE IMPROVED eheheheh sorry wasn't that adventurous and why not 3some ahahah...
I miss U, not wishing u around but I miss U, the fact that I can call U up when u @ mamak and say "Can U come home I'm hungry for U" - no there was no feeding-each-other scene to be publicized but U remember while we are all out for seafood, I did touched U under the table.. ahhaah my bad sorry...
pss:seriously though u've gone, the 'rough rider' of U still in my memory,It's raw isn't it when it was a full blown up till my tummy hurt, can't imagine in front of the door ~ 'nyummy golden rain'
psss:i'm not always like this (ye la tuhhhhhhhhhhh)
psss:Maria Ozawa was 'invited' too ahahahah
pssss:ask me again and I'll answer U.....
Posted by
11:43 PM
just finished Raya Prayer, hit off to mamak for Roti Canai Telur, and I did say Selamat Hari Raya to all the Mamakians, no no no no this children is not motherless, the mother ordered Nasik Dagang/Minyak for Hari Raya, but they choose to enjoy the Raya with Mamak food, and hell ya it was enjoying since everyone dressed up and family-gathered at the restaurant, festively enjoying their morning canai and such with the other's ah haaaaaaa Shah Alam, SELAMAT HARI RAYA.. no I'm about to continue my sleep, I barely open my eyes (due to the late nite's hangover with Affendy,exchanging sexual thought on the raya eve, doesn't hurt though) during the raya khutbah (with the AC and the downpour)
I was awaken with my niece's laughter due to the shrieking Pak Imam's voice when he recites takbir raya.. It was hilarious he sounds like he choked on himself ROLF!!!...
I will sleep and become very ego-maniac, potato couch, and will eat constantly and moderately today!!!..I will read and sleep and eat and chat and do nothing, I choose not to mix and mingle with my relatives, they are here recently and obviously their BAD ATTITUDE RELIGIOUSLY TAG ALONG them.. ah ha shall not waste my time to be polite or giving my honesty towards their ear-tearing comment about the idea of me being happily swinging and the irrelevant of me being a teacher when I deserved to be an INTERIOR ARCHITECT, carrying A0's under my armpit hahahah pssfftttt (I don't want to sadden them up with my OK-YES-TQ-ONLY answer right!, its polite yet mind eating answer,) I'm not in the mood to argue, sorry dearies cousins I don't discuss about my own ass-smacking-lifestyle on hari raya, come onnnnn it's RAYA!!!!
ps::honesly the ORANG MINYAK movie does turn me ON- The satan's tanduk (horn) remind me of ingrown PENIS...
pss::seriously BOOK and BED are needed NOW NOW NOW....
psss::the boys @ Masjid was extremely INVITING with their kain pelekat-pin striped Baju Melayu arrrrrrrr let's do it in the attic!!
Posted by
11:05 AM
Posted by
7:31 AM
Posted by
11:58 PM
turning into a boy, or am I growing penis here, or is he turning into a GIRL??...why eh?? because
I ripped out someone's virginity, I held his hand, I called him sayang, we talked (he called), we went out and smile and snap pic ... and at the end I said, this isn't working out for us, maybe we should stop and think back what have we done to 'ourself' owh yeahhhhhhhhh --- and I've started all over again,
ps:: 100th post!!! weehee wee hoooo
Posted by
1:51 PM
where ChicSu and Enie is needed most of the times~ (I'm blurred and I'm clueless)
I talk about this with my buddies and even my mum all the times, eh what happen when U know that someone that is lovely-lovable and suddenly ~ ok I'm too silly too discuss this on board..it's about his *nahh not ex's* it's bigger than that...
p/s:::Awhhhh so sad, maybe I need to let this train off, for a less than perfect train
pss:::eheheh it's funny this SATUMALAMBERDIRI turns out very stressful and scary!!!
psss:I bet Madonna faces the same issue as me too
pssss:Will update this soon, lemme find the right words to post 1st (tricky)
Posted by
1:33 PM
he makes the perfect bf, u are wrong he is not!!!
if u feel we are a cute partner-to-be nahh doesn't work that way...
if u think he is matured enough to make decision, well maybe yes mostly no
he is interested because I can do head job and hand job * and that is what he is lacking of*
since his virginity is raped by ME *as he wish* and since I'm in the mood of ripping up, and this man-eating creature is craving for some xpanding hot dog, why not! it's been a long time I had not taste something so raw and bla bla bla ....so lets get back to it..
as dates and call and whatever that bond-able for us, and friends and family members address us for a 'cute couple' 'best friends' 'soul mate' heh TAIK MU!!! none is close, he might be the best looking chaps I've dated for this month but wasn't the 'IT' one for this friendship/relationship. Well well well we've tried our hardest to please our cock's and pussy's but it almost down the drain, maybe maturity is the leakage factor or maybe we wasn't 'click' enough to make up the do's and don't.
Well off 'U' go sunny!! I'm not the kind of person who shout and scream whenever things doesn't stand up the way I wanted to, Im more to - ok bye NEXT, pls!!!
I'm hunting, yes I'm....eheheheheh
Posted by
1:32 AM
it's hard when people are attracted to u based on yr body part (ahahah) boobs, hand, butt, nose, eyes and so much more, when u can kiss better, when u can do the hand job, when u have the talent to 'pop' when do the head job ahahah, those can be the main reason why people choose to date u... arghhh it wasnt the all-I-want-thing-y all the time, sometimes its a good way to boost my self-esteem, bla bla bla but if its too often its becoming an annoyance, its irritate me it becoming an allergy to me, when someone will effortlessly drive all the way from tuhan je tahu ceruk mana just to meet me, and at the end of the day its my boob its the final destination.. urgh whats the point.. ok ok ok im taking the advantage to since my driver resigned i do need a free ride too to buy my fav book, to go to my fav eating spot- it's free + someone will be next to you holding yr hand...... kissing and bla bla bla at the end of the day its all seems so fake and fucktard ..
p.s - keep hunting ahahahaha
Posted by
12:11 PM
ader something fishy that is happening currently! he he he, very2 suspicious, am I about to burst the bubble? pop the balloon? Macam ada satu kekantoian yang amat hebat spt 'BIG BANG' he he he aku suka neh ala ala thriller....
p/s:: nanti aku hapdet lagi - kita saksikan (kalau ada laaaa)
Posted by
12:01 PM
aku macam puas jek, puas benar main bas stesen bas stesen, sama ada aku biarkan bas stesen jadik kosong atau aku tutup terus stesen bas, semua bas akan terkezut dengan tindakan drastik neh, hurmm malam neh aku pikirkan, kalau perlu aku tutup stesen bas, dan beralih bukak airport dimana hanya penerbangan luar negara sahaja yang boleh setop penerbangan domestik yang mana larat berenti di airport aku jek aku 'jenguk' ..... (bermakna neh bermakkknerrr double meaning post nehhh) aku cuti panjang neh banyak pulak idea-idea nehh....ader jek bendek baru nak dibukak *ngeeeeee*
nyampah pulak aku ehh dengan drebar2 bas yang tak mengenang hati pengusaha stesen bas cam haku neh, ader drebar bas yang jenis bawak bas tadek pintu, ada bawak bas sewa tp masih aku terima di stesen bas aku, ade pulakkk yang bawah umo bawak bas! aishhh seriauuu pulak aku ader bas hantu eheheheh tapi aku terimaaaaaaaaaaa jekk, ader badan bas yang macam kene panau/kawah bulan aku terimaaaaa jek tadek pon suruh gi ke stesen bas lain... aisehhh cam mana kalau aku tutup stesen bas???
p/s- mungkin aku kene cuba walau utk beberapa hari!!! (bukak cawangan stesen bas lain/bukak airport)
Posted by
5:37 PM
im sad when my niece hug her sisters and cry when their parent left for hajj Im saddd, (is it, because I cried) yer la tuh
Posted by
8:28 PM
Posted by
12:51 AM
Whoever love to play 'Bus Station' 'Stesen Bas' should really appreciate/understand or best to MEMORIZE this for a healthier lifestyle or a better fortune woohooo!!
credit to Lisya, she is the one who found out bout this clip!
my new macho-icon-of-the-week! (I swear I have a doll an African American doll that looks like her!!*scary* isn't it) Nur Izzah Athirah ahahah love u!!!
p/s: Athirah: Malam2 mak kita suruh makan 'soses' jer atau roti, sbb nanti makan nasik jadik gomok (inspiring doeeeeehh!!) macho macho and what are U?? 6 yrs old! talking about weight issue!..when you are 18 u gonna be the next Sophie Dahl *trust me* or Monica Belluci!
Posted by
11:53 PM
out of reason why shouldn't we make love, a very raw one...urghh I really need this sloppy wet succulence kiss.. owh god, I'm just a human!
Posted by
7:54 PM
after all this tiresome eyes watching people hooking up, whoring about getting/married after all good wishes and pressie are all given out all I want to right now is.. me in my baju kurung, and U in your full suit working attire, wait for me no no no don't have to be chauffeured just us, lets us says LRT, U in Bank Negara I'm here in Shah Alam lets meet up in the perk of heavy duty smelly stinky KL Central, lemme rip everything on u lemme do you in whatever style we cherished, pumping out every energy U and me beholding for sometimes now, U always admire me from far It's you I'm willing to hold and caresses endlessly, no matter what it's you in your white crisp shirt all I'm praying for! do it with the curtain off, in front of the full length mirrored wall, padded wall where no one hardly listen to us moaning our hunger for sex?? love??? your projet hot dog?? ah haa.. you are my hunger pain, spank me up do me do, blind folded and rescue me to the loo...
I'm almost full but never finished.. u r so yummy looking at you while waiting my ride in the hospital alley today...
Posted by
6:00 PM
My Result for What Kind Of A Lover Are You? quiz is You are a PRACTICAL Lover
You are a good lover, but you know when to draw the line. You might be reluctant in displaying your emotions in public, but that doesn’t mean there is any love lost. You just do not like making a public display of your affections.
Kika Iszanin's Answers to Survey Who, What, When, Why, How
1 - Who is your best friend? my mum (the safest answer)
2 - Who do you like? urghhh..used to be Dr.Amin/TMJ/that TopMan salesman/Tengku Yaacob- current obsession that School Van Driver
3 - Who is your mom? K.K by Initial,
4 - Who owns your house? mum/me
5 - Who bought you the clothes your wearing? myself/mum/friends/aunty
6 - Who is at your house? mum/dad/nenek/my maid Sukaryah
7 - Who loves you? owh my children(students)/parent/my bro/nieces/friends/bfs/gfs/my pet (Ramli and Pat)
8 - Who said hey to you today? Teacher Su,
9 - Who are you talking to right now? my mum and dad
10 - Who was your ex-boy/girlfriend? ehehehe Nazri (will always be)/Rizan/AB/Nin/Zamwi/Amri/Faizal/Tahir/Sam/Irshad/Jeffi/Eric/still counting
11 - What town do you live in? Shah Alam
12 - What are your pet peeves? nahh
13 - What are you wearing? night gown
14 - What do your teeth look like? white + yellow + green
15 - What are you doing in an hour? chatting/you tube/watching Chef at Home/spiking me up with awfulllll JAMU
16 - What is your middle name? Lazy
17 - What is your deepest secret? I'm bisexual (Lindsay Lohan woohooo I'm part of youuu) :P
18 - What are you doing tomorrow? working/flirting
19 - What is your boy/girlfriends middle name? which one??
20 - What is in this for you? what?
21 - What is your favorite thing(s) to do? eat/sleep/chat/google/oggling on men and women
22 - What are you sitting on? chair
23 - Where are you at right now? in my room
24 - Where were you at at 12 noon today? kindergarten
25 - Where is your toothbrush at? in the bathroom
26 - Where do you sleep? on a platform bed
27 - Where do you live? currently KL-Shah Alam
28 - Where were you at at 7pm yesterday? in my room, Shah Alam
29 - Where is your boy/girl friend? doing nothing thinking about me/counting days to meet me/writing my name all over the wall/posting up my pic in every interior/exterior surfaces/view me on myspace while masturbating ahahaha *I lied*
30 - Where are your parents? i don't know
31 - Where did you put your bookbag? under the table
32 - Where do you keep your socks? in the shoe cabinet!!!
33 - When was your first kiss? awwww form 2 I guess yeah yeah yeah 14 yrs old woohoooooooooo
34 - When are you getting a job? early of 08
35 - When will you grow up? never! sometimes when I'm feeling too fat/too lonely/too horny?? ahahha
36 - When are you going to call your friend? later
37 - When did you get home last night? around late evening
38 - When did you graduate? 2005 and 2008
39 - When are you going to stop taking surveys? never
40 - When was the last time you had a fruit smoothie? last Sunday
41 - When are you getting married? eheheheheheheh don;t ask, it's a hard Q! I'm not planning to be someone wife, unless it's Nazri Ahmad aahahha (dream on) nahhh I'm not planning ..I seriously don't know let go with the flow shall we *ahahha* :P
42 - Why are you taking this? boredom
43 - Why are you weird? who said so
44 - Why are you wearing what your wearing right now? high comfort level
45 - Why dont you have friends? cause I'm dumb and selfish
46 - Why cant you get a boy/girl friend? cause easily bored them up or I easily get bored with them-- ah haa actually cause I'm ugly
47 - Why do you live where your at? this is only where I can afford
48 - How do you fix your hair? by not touching them ahahha
49 - How are the kids? 'kids' are superbbbbbbbbbbbb
50 - How many hours do you spend on the computer? 4 or more
51 - How many TV shows do you watch? less than 5
52 - How did you find this survey? i Yahoo them
53 - How do you make sharpies? ?????????
54 - How many sharpies do you own? hundreds
55 - How often do you say I love you? dailyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guyssssssssssss I LOVE YOU, gud sex LOVE YOU, I love u dear cashier, love you love you, sometimes -Why can't I Love You/The reason I didn't love you,..keh keh keh keh
Posted by
8:46 PM
on this!
New Shoes
Hey honey
Cat got your tongue
Don't look so funny
This took comedian
Joke's on you
And you're good at bed
So where's my money
I know you're bad
And I would never make that move
So why's the house empty
Light's off by the end of this week
I'll leave with what I came with baby
I'll take jaws** you'll take the mercedes
Cause I'm gone I'm not staying
I walked these roads with grace
And I'll wave with you behind me
With a new smile on my face
Cause I'm walking in new shoes now
I got a new song to sing
When I walk in the room every head turns
Every eye is on me
To bad you're not here to see it
And by the time you get this
I was so long gone and far
I'll send you a postcard
Aha I'll send you a postcard
Hey baby
You seem to ghost this ain't yo lady
This is the chick that you held back now
Now all of the things you've said were crazy
I checked out my list and I feel good about it
I got the new haircut
The one that you said that wouldn't look no good
Took that job you said I could not get
Wore that dress you said I'd never fit
Cause you're gone and I'm great
I got rid of your dead way
And I'll wave at you behind me
With a new smile on my face
Cause I'm walking in new shoes now
I got a new song to sing
When I walk in the room every head turns
Every eye is on me
To bad you're not here to see it
And by the time you get this
I was so long gone and far
I'll send you a postcard
Posted by
9:59 AM
Trust me it's super suck, even to know that the fact that u will be leaving in weeks/months/day~
I just want to seconds/minutes with you, just to gather the best of you to be kept forever.
Why do everyone that I love/care leave me, such as my 13 yrs old family maid, been working for so long have to be sent back (personal issue) and now (few days past) our years of family driver (Pakcik) went for good as he will be performing Hajj in quite a length of time and chose to stay at his kampung to be a farmer.. (ok la tuh pakcikk!)
The most uncontrollable lost is my bundle of joy my best 6yrs old children (students) that I personally met them and sent them away for their kiddies convocation, (always a mum never a wife??*sigh*) my pain killers has gone away.. swear I will always remember U and always love u!!!
Posted by
6:31 AM
I'm about to leave to the wet market and Ikea, (while waiting for my mum!)
This man is in his early 40's and work at my bro comp. He is married in with 5 kids, he felt in lust (I assume) with his colleague, the Sarawakian girl, soon after he found out that he is suffering/battling from Leukemia, he 'kindly' asked the girl to broke up the 'silent relationship' (how easy! I thought love is beyond everything, thru sick and pain, rain and shine, thru deceased or traumas, I guess this is LUST yet no LOVE, hahah )
Few months after he is waiting on his death bed, waiting impatiently and kept asking God why is he punished such! (HA HA, shall not question yr 'boss' why, but how I guess!) his constant mumbles rumbles and battling with chemo ended few days past, Takziah to his family. It rain during th burial ceremony, my bro as a boss/friends went to the ceremony to help things up, and morale and physical support to his family is needed at things point of time, something weird happen, when the undertaker shove the water out from the 6-ft'-under the water kept flooding in the hole (hole??) soon after endless trying they have to buried still the body, the amazing thing was the body afloat on top of the water, the last resort was to topple his body with bricks to keep him laid rest down under!!! (I'm insaf!)
Days after the grieving ceremony and insurance recovery and splitting money (I guess, too much dramarama!) her wife sort his belongings and others, and turn on his mobile phone (keh keh keh) and found out smses from his secret Sarawakian lover, she asked hi and hello and how are u, aren't u dying yet?? (something like that laaa) and the wife got mad and called the girl and scolded her and 'fucked' her up (kesian kesian + padan muka + keh keh keh) and when the wife confronted to this dead man best mate, it is confirm about the relationship, and the best mate got scolded too and the wife said (PADAN MUKA MATI!!) ahahha something like (GOOD THAT U R DEAD, GOOD FOR U, SERVED YOUR RIGHT!)
p/s- source of this story is by my bro, from my mum, she reminds me not to be bad..
Posted by
8:48 AM