I've waited for days and nights, each second ticks seems too long for me, I'm super duper fruitless to know that TOMORROW is not XMAS, I blindly thought tomorrow is 25/12, nahh I have to wait another few days till it's XMAS. Urghhh my burning desire is killing me, I'm long to be held and kissed, I 'kept' myself from slipping into the slapdash SEX and KISSES, I'm under control and focus on to my so called DIET, wasn't new maybe, treating myself better!!
When I woke up, I asked one of my ONLINE friend *lazzzyyy* to reassure that tomorrow is XMAS, she got blurred and said NO it's the day after, gahhhh... Words slipped thru my brain, emotion drops unconsciously and words formed, I dried it up to my blog, let it be unclogged... I'm counting days!! I'm peppy but at the same time I'm lethargic, I've planned on what to wear, and planned the best Kodak moment and gesture (I'm typical + Normal) (he will read this, but gahhh who cares?)
Since tomorrow isn't XMAS, I've lost my passionate sense of meeting him and my burning desire is slowly to be tarnished, I'm up for something new, blame me not! It's too long...
ps: Finally I'm missing someone
pss: ............................... (INDESCRIBABLE feeling, sorry)
7 Tips On How To Create a Better Nighttime Routine
38 minutes ago
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