i have to bring Adib to meet her dentist, reason: to mend the snapped wire on her braces, the appointment is at 11am, suddenly it changed to 2pm or 5 pm, so we dashed to Sunway Pyramid to kill the time, we watched movie, there were only 6 peeps in the theatre, inclusive me and Adib, we chose the mid-section where I personally thought the view is better though sharing arm rest is suppose not to be an issue, I'm kind of mad because during the show Adib constantly buried her face on to my arm and keeps on rhyming, because she is too scared plus the kiddos infront of us moved to the back row, before the 1 scene started, gahhh.. It's cool though is a horror movie ahahah, I can't do too much review on this film because I've promised to watch with him, but inilah namanya takdir!!!! Soon after the movie ended we make our move to the dentist, OMFG as we arrived the dr told us to sit and wait because she is about to leave for lunch, we were stuck in the clinic, when the nurses came and join us, the nurse who came to us is such a chatterbox, she keep talking about our Aunt. Annie (Annie?? Anne??) pretzel, I guess she want some of our pretzel but I strongly said it's Adib.
She can be so annoying, she kept telling me that I need a set of braces (serious I don't need any!!) and I can get discount because me and Adib = family.. gahhh, Adib told me not to worry because she told everyone who accompanied Adib that they need to wear braces too!!
As we finished our appointment, (this is where it started) Adib is hungry and I suggested we went to the nearest Mc D, no no no miliminute after that I badly suggested we opt for Shisha at SP, and Adib start to say a big YESSS!! and food wasn't her prior any longer!! ahah than I felt bad, because she is only 13 going 14 and haven't had any exposure with ciggies and Sisha though her dad is a heavy smoker, but WE *me esp* know that the promotion about Sisha heard by Adib told by her friends is way greater than anything. Lately Adib kept telling me about wants to do Sisha and going out for Sisha and it's seems Sisha is the 'IT' thing for her, seems like everyone on the net (MYSPACE) got their pic taken while doing Sisha!! I guess it's the closest thing to SMOKING!! Adibbbbbbbbb!!
OK, we went again to SP and do Sisha!! I'm nervous because Adib is an underage and this is her 1st time, worst, people always (say it 10 times or more pls) thought that I'm UNDERAGE/ 16, 17 years old, ahahah it can be a compliment, but seriously it's SCARY ~
She can be so annoying, she kept telling me that I need a set of braces (serious I don't need any!!) and I can get discount because me and Adib = family.. gahhh, Adib told me not to worry because she told everyone who accompanied Adib that they need to wear braces too!!
As we finished our appointment, (this is where it started) Adib is hungry and I suggested we went to the nearest Mc D, no no no miliminute after that I badly suggested we opt for Shisha at SP, and Adib start to say a big YESSS!! and food wasn't her prior any longer!! ahah than I felt bad, because she is only 13 going 14 and haven't had any exposure with ciggies and Sisha though her dad is a heavy smoker, but WE *me esp* know that the promotion about Sisha heard by Adib told by her friends is way greater than anything. Lately Adib kept telling me about wants to do Sisha and going out for Sisha and it's seems Sisha is the 'IT' thing for her, seems like everyone on the net (MYSPACE) got their pic taken while doing Sisha!! I guess it's the closest thing to SMOKING!! Adibbbbbbbbb!!
OK, we went again to SP and do Sisha!! I'm nervous because Adib is an underage and this is her 1st time, worst, people always (say it 10 times or more pls) thought that I'm UNDERAGE/ 16, 17 years old, ahahah it can be a compliment, but seriously it's SCARY ~
- our table is next to this table that is occupied by underage or almost 18, boys (camouflage2)
- everyone kept staring at Adib, since she is the one with the pipe all the time
- I manage to do Sisha OK!!!
- It's the hype of holding the pipe and blowing SMOKE is all ADIB wants,
- she spend all her time *with the pipe* snapping pictures, while exhaling the smoke, sucking pipe, holding pipe
- reminds me when I got my 1st hp with camera
- dare to say that she is willing to upload he latest SISHA PIC on her MYSPACE
- she didn't inhale though *guilty pleasure yaaa*
- she is thrilled when she saw me SISHA and inhaling and exhaling ahahahah wasn't my 1st ok dahhlingg
- yes I manage to xchange HI/HELLO with the boys next to us!! REMEMBER I'm a Teenagers too *ROLF* ahahahah
- I let Adib with the Sisha, let her 'play' with the parts, let her takes picture as much as she wants, *its pricey okkk, but for my Adib, I'll do anything*
- just to embraced her self esteem ahahahahha
- just for Adib to realise Sisha isn't as cool as the promotion heard,
- if others can U can too Adib, but there is always time and ways of doing it,
ps: Adib is my niece
pss: I felt bad OK!!

ADIBBBB -cantik- takut datuk bau ehh....
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