Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'm sick - I'm not hypochondriac nor physically ill, but I guess I'm mentally shaken, since I've moved in this xs room in this 8-roomed-5baths-house, this is the given room for me, where I sleep, write, read, change and :)) eheheh the room captured the best scenic compare to my studio sized bedroom, and accompany with the serenading sound from the man made waterfall - but
I'm sick, life wasn't that promising here, about from the multi wall cladding super sized flat screens that can be transformed to become a mattress ehehe it's huge !! The bed is way too smaller than average for me *I think its a day bed* the pillow and EVERYTHING wasn't just right for me, my desktop is not around, I can't survive on this Vaio-chic-rubyred-intelcentrino-yadayadayada, hell yeah I can survive on this lap if I were only to do Myspace and Mp3, the keyboard is not comfy enough for me to do my write up even CYBERSEX was not comforting! Life has change ever since, worst when I doesn't have the access to my channel 733, I miss Jon and Kate and their family!! ouch It's sould bearing life I've been thru ::: I'm flexible at some point but this is way too long for me that its affecting my health and I'm affected, there are some bad reaction that happen to me :::

  1. Crankier
  2. Moody
  3. Hyperactive / passive
  4. Excessive reading
  5. Excessive sleeping
  6. Oily hair
  7. rimmed long grown finger nail
  8. imbalanced diet
  9. Influenza
  10. lack of fruits n veggies
  11. too much sex
  12. insufficient sex
  13. easily menyampah
  14. constipation
  15. purging
  17. Insomnia *too much eh??*
  18. Snacking - late night
  19. Bad eating habit (Mc Dono, Mamak, Nandos) owh dearrr
  20. minor acne
  21. hallucinating about xes/food/man
  22. short tempered *kesian kesian SORRY u GUYS*
  23. easily heard me saying SANGAP/NAK BALIK NAK BALIK
  24. listening to ONE song repeatedly
  25. craving badly for TRASHY PORN esp JAP's PORN - I hardly do PORN since the KIDS around I don't want to be the BAD 'NANNY'-
  26. this house is equipped with CCTV so I hardly scratch myself when is needed
  27. I miss my neighbors, the haunted house next door, those hustle and bustle, buses, cars, I missed the sound of people honking at each other, the cluttering town planning of my gated community house....
  28. here, there are plenty of exercising area/places I'm stressed to know that I'm barely well used the facilities
  29. everyone here is overly well dresses, the makcik with the diamond studded ring, not less than LV, the young ones in their Quicksilver's/Topshop, and the little ones at least with CROCS arghh I miss my life when everything is so free, i don't have to put on my wide leg or even don't bother to put on EFFORT to go out
  30. too many typos too many spelling error
  31. lack of expression
  32. too much crapping
  33. depression
  34. fashionably challenged
  35. cursing
  36. rude
  37. too emotional
  38. unemotional
  39. mal-vitamin :)))
  40. start using web cam
  41. influencing my nieces to start chatting/web cam *sexually misguiding* eheh
  42. easily influenced by my niece, hogging on the phone, late nite surfing, sleeping at odd hrs
  43. it's been a while I didn't practice 'I LOVE YOU'
  44. been using FUCK/FUCKED excessively
  45. I'm losing myself
  46. I'm scarring man off *padan la muka*
  47. makes someone cried excessively *MAN MAN MAN*
  48. I'm sick
  49. Self help needed
  50. I miss MYSELF


ps: I'm not somewhere called AMAZON/ JUNGLE/ IRAQ

pss: I'm not one of the LANDSLIDE'S VICTIM *aminnnn*

psss: I'm ME

pssss: Writer's block, SUMPAH scary!!!


suya said...

dey!where are u?

Anonymous said...

Jelutong Rumah pernah BERHANTU

Anonymous said...

Jelutong Rumah pernah BERHANTU

Anonymous said...

Jelutong Rumah pernah BERHANTU

rahmat haron said...

not bad a writing...wisdom of youth