Sunday, November 30, 2008


aku macam puas jek, puas benar main bas stesen bas stesen, sama ada aku biarkan bas stesen jadik kosong atau aku tutup terus stesen bas, semua bas akan terkezut dengan tindakan drastik neh, hurmm malam neh aku pikirkan, kalau perlu aku tutup stesen bas, dan beralih bukak airport dimana hanya penerbangan luar negara sahaja yang boleh setop penerbangan domestik yang mana larat berenti di airport aku jek aku 'jenguk' ..... (bermakna neh bermakkknerrr double meaning post nehhh) aku cuti panjang neh banyak pulak idea-idea nehh....ader jek bendek baru nak dibukak *ngeeeeee*
nyampah pulak aku ehh dengan drebar2 bas yang tak mengenang hati pengusaha stesen bas cam haku neh, ader drebar bas yang jenis bawak bas tadek pintu, ada bawak bas sewa tp masih aku terima di stesen bas aku, ade pulakkk yang bawah umo bawak bas! aishhh seriauuu pulak aku ader bas hantu eheheheh tapi aku terimaaaaaaaaaaa jekk, ader badan bas yang macam kene panau/kawah bulan aku terimaaaaa jek tadek pon suruh gi ke stesen bas lain... aisehhh cam mana kalau aku tutup stesen bas???

p/s- mungkin aku kene cuba walau utk beberapa hari!!! (bukak cawangan stesen bas lain/bukak airport)

untuk kau, (I'm being nice!)

wes, haku mintak maaf!!!

p/s: 1 a.m dengan bantuan anak2 buah!! (messsraaaaaaaaaa)

Friday, November 28, 2008

im sad too~

im sad when my niece hug her sisters and cry when their parent left for hajj Im saddd, (is it, because I cried) yer la tuh

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


hard to x-plain!

Eheheh, hard to explain, kenal pon x sengaja, jumpa pon tergesa-gesa, aku nak pergi cari buku dekat MPH Midvalley, sibok nak amik shorcut dari avoiding traffic jam, last2 end up kat Jalan Kuching *sigh* pusing2 sampai ke KLCC, dari MidValley - KLCC, KLCC makan di Sunway Pyramid. Ehehe nak shortcut jadi longcut, but we had tons of fun! ngeeee walaupun aku yangggg *biasalaaa*

Monday, November 24, 2008

MACHO *nuffsaid*

Whoever love to play 'Bus Station' 'Stesen Bas' should really appreciate/understand or best to MEMORIZE this for a healthier lifestyle or a better fortune woohooo!!

credit to Lisya, she is the one who found out bout this clip!

my new macho-icon-of-the-week! (I swear I have a doll an African American doll that looks like her!!*scary* isn't it) Nur Izzah Athirah ahahah love u!!!

p/s: Athirah: Malam2 mak kita suruh makan 'soses' jer atau roti, sbb nanti makan nasik jadik gomok (inspiring doeeeeehh!!) macho macho and what are U?? 6 yrs old! talking about weight issue!..when you are 18 u gonna be the next Sophie Dahl *trust me* or Monica Belluci!

Friday, November 21, 2008

m loving it....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm running~

out of reason why shouldn't we make love, a very raw one...urghh I really need this sloppy wet succulence kiss.. owh god, I'm just a human!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

u know what??

after all this tiresome eyes watching people hooking up, whoring about getting/married after all good wishes and pressie are all given out all I want to right now is.. me in my baju kurung, and U in your full suit working attire, wait for me no no no don't have to be chauffeured just us, lets us says LRT, U in Bank Negara I'm here in Shah Alam lets meet up in the perk of heavy duty smelly stinky KL Central, lemme rip everything on u lemme do you in whatever style we cherished, pumping out every energy U and me beholding for sometimes now, U always admire me from far It's you I'm willing to hold and caresses endlessly, no matter what it's you in your white crisp shirt all I'm praying for! do it with the curtain off, in front of the full length mirrored wall, padded wall where no one hardly listen to us moaning our hunger for sex?? love??? your projet hot dog?? ah haa.. you are my hunger pain, spank me up do me do, blind folded and rescue me to the loo...
I'm almost full but never finished.. u r so yummy looking at you while waiting my ride in the hospital alley today...


Monday, November 17, 2008

a he he hu hu of me

My Result for What Kind Of A Lover Are You? quiz is You are a PRACTICAL Lover

You are a good lover, but you know when to draw the line. You might be reluctant in displaying your emotions in public, but that doesn’t mean there is any love lost. You just do not like making a public display of your affections.

Kika Iszanin's Answers to Survey Who, What, When, Why, How

1 - Who is your best friend? my mum (the safest answer)
2 - Who do you like? urghhh..used to be Dr.Amin/TMJ/that TopMan salesman/Tengku Yaacob- current obsession that School Van Driver
3 - Who is your mom? K.K by Initial,
4 - Who owns your house? mum/me
5 - Who bought you the clothes your wearing? myself/mum/friends/aunty
6 - Who is at your house? mum/dad/nenek/my maid Sukaryah
7 - Who loves you? owh my children(students)/parent/my bro/nieces/friends/bfs/gfs/my pet (Ramli and Pat)
8 - Who said hey to you today? Teacher Su,
9 - Who are you talking to right now? my mum and dad
10 - Who was your ex-boy/girlfriend? ehehehe Nazri (will always be)/Rizan/AB/Nin/Zamwi/Amri/Faizal/Tahir/Sam/Irshad/Jeffi/Eric/still counting
11 - What town do you live in? Shah Alam
12 - What are your pet peeves? nahh
13 - What are you wearing? night gown
14 - What do your teeth look like? white + yellow + green
15 - What are you doing in an hour? chatting/you tube/watching Chef at Home/spiking me up with awfulllll JAMU
16 - What is your middle name? Lazy
17 - What is your deepest secret? I'm bisexual (Lindsay Lohan woohooo I'm part of youuu) :P
18 - What are you doing tomorrow? working/flirting
19 - What is your boy/girlfriends middle name? which one??
20 - What is in this for you? what?
21 - What is your favorite thing(s) to do? eat/sleep/chat/google/oggling on men and women
22 - What are you sitting on? chair
23 - Where are you at right now? in my room
24 - Where were you at at 12 noon today? kindergarten
25 - Where is your toothbrush at? in the bathroom
26 - Where do you sleep? on a platform bed
27 - Where do you live? currently KL-Shah Alam
28 - Where were you at at 7pm yesterday? in my room, Shah Alam
29 - Where is your boy/girl friend? doing nothing thinking about me/counting days to meet me/writing my name all over the wall/posting up my pic in every interior/exterior surfaces/view me on myspace while masturbating ahahaha *I lied*
30 - Where are your parents? i don't know
31 - Where did you put your bookbag? under the table
32 - Where do you keep your socks? in the shoe cabinet!!!
33 - When was your first kiss? awwww form 2 I guess yeah yeah yeah 14 yrs old woohoooooooooo
34 - When are you getting a job? early of 08
35 - When will you grow up? never! sometimes when I'm feeling too fat/too lonely/too horny?? ahahha
36 - When are you going to call your friend? later
37 - When did you get home last night? around late evening
38 - When did you graduate? 2005 and 2008
39 - When are you going to stop taking surveys? never
40 - When was the last time you had a fruit smoothie? last Sunday
41 - When are you getting married? eheheheheheheh don;t ask, it's a hard Q! I'm not planning to be someone wife, unless it's Nazri Ahmad aahahha (dream on) nahhh I'm not planning ..I seriously don't know let go with the flow shall we *ahahha* :P
42 - Why are you taking this? boredom
43 - Why are you weird? who said so
44 - Why are you wearing what your wearing right now? high comfort level
45 - Why dont you have friends? cause I'm dumb and selfish
46 - Why cant you get a boy/girl friend? cause easily bored them up or I easily get bored with them-- ah haa actually cause I'm ugly
47 - Why do you live where your at? this is only where I can afford
48 - How do you fix your hair? by not touching them ahahha
49 - How are the kids? 'kids' are superbbbbbbbbbbbb
50 - How many hours do you spend on the computer? 4 or more
51 - How many TV shows do you watch? less than 5
52 - How did you find this survey? i Yahoo them
53 - How do you make sharpies? ?????????
54 - How many sharpies do you own? hundreds
55 - How often do you say I love you? dailyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guyssssssssssss I LOVE YOU, gud sex LOVE YOU, I love u dear cashier, love you love you, sometimes -Why can't I Love You/The reason I didn't love you,..keh keh keh keh

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Im practicing

on this!

New Shoes
Hey honey
Cat got your tongue
Don't look so funny
This took comedian
Joke's on you
And you're good at bed
So where's my money
I know you're bad
And I would never make that move

So why's the house empty
Light's off by the end of this week
I'll leave with what I came with baby
I'll take jaws** you'll take the mercedes

Cause I'm gone I'm not staying
I walked these roads with grace
And I'll wave with you behind me
With a new smile on my face
Cause I'm walking in new shoes now
I got a new song to sing
When I walk in the room every head turns
Every eye is on me
To bad you're not here to see it
And by the time you get this
I was so long gone and far
I'll send you a postcard
Aha I'll send you a postcard

Hey baby
You seem to ghost this ain't yo lady
This is the chick that you held back now
Now all of the things you've said were crazy
I checked out my list and I feel good about it
I got the new haircut
The one that you said that wouldn't look no good
Took that job you said I could not get
Wore that dress you said I'd never fit

Cause you're gone and I'm great
I got rid of your dead way
And I'll wave at you behind me
With a new smile on my face
Cause I'm walking in new shoes now
I got a new song to sing
When I walk in the room every head turns
Every eye is on me
To bad you're not here to see it
And by the time you get this
I was so long gone and far
I'll send you a postcard

The day u went away..

Trust me it's super suck, even to know that the fact that u will be leaving in weeks/months/day~
I just want to seconds/minutes with you, just to gather the best of you to be kept forever.
Why do everyone that I love/care leave me, such as my 13 yrs old family maid, been working for so long have to be sent back (personal issue) and now (few days past) our years of family driver (Pakcik) went for good as he will be performing Hajj in quite a length of time and chose to stay at his kampung to be a farmer.. (ok la tuh pakcikk!)
The most uncontrollable lost is my bundle of joy my best 6yrs old children (students) that I personally met them and sent them away for their kiddies convocation, (always a mum never a wife??*sigh*) my pain killers has gone away.. swear I will always remember U and always love u!!!


  1. The day pakcik went off for good I wanted to cry but I'm kind of busy thinking about my ribbon left in the shop @ Shah Alam (being thinking how may I transport it back here, since I'm in KL, u know KL-SHAH ALAM)
  2. Pakcik cried as he salam my gramma...
  3. Pakcik, swear I truly missed u as much as I miss kak kas (x-maid)
  4. I cried almost like mad when Hisham's father (actually everyone who came to me i CRIED) sent him to me to say goodbye and would love to snap some photo together (YES I CRIED in front of the DJ who is in charge of the PA system)
  5. I've made a mess infront of my students and their parents and to the public too
  6. I didn't eat much since the convocation (I lied, eheh just because I slept too long!)
  7. it's hard when 10 subjects is handle by one teacher (me) and 'they' come to me because of tummy-ache/hunger/potty help/toilet break/mummy-daddy probs/atuk mati *EVERYTHING* trust me I'm the one with extra emotional baggage they does too!!
  8. we shared the same pencil case and the same pencil ever since.. whatever is mine are theirs too ... (can U imagine my greatest lost yesterday?)
  9. I didn't even cry this much during a bf-heart break-relationship thingy as much I cried when they are leaving
  10. Guys! I will always be your mom forever even when U have your own family I will always be yours! even if u r too shabby or too clean, even if I've scolded u before or I shouted to you, I meant good! I love You .. (cliche?? cheesy?? but this is the truth) (tho' u didn't read blogs)
  11. for the last 18-19 years of having drivers no one can compete with my Pakcik (x-driver)

it's all about youuuu.....

I catch the glimpse of heaven (by e way thanks to my aunt Mimah for the superb Bunga Manggar-for the convocation laaaa)

my personal fav tee, Aliyya Sufiyah's tee!!(baru macho jadik anak murid teacher!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

ha ha ha (this is the best I can say!)

I'm about to leave to the wet market and Ikea, (while waiting for my mum!)

This man is in his early 40's and work at my bro comp. He is married in with 5 kids, he felt in lust (I assume) with his colleague, the Sarawakian girl, soon after he found out that he is suffering/battling from Leukemia, he 'kindly' asked the girl to broke up the 'silent relationship' (how easy! I thought love is beyond everything, thru sick and pain, rain and shine, thru deceased or traumas, I guess this is LUST yet no LOVE, hahah )
Few months after he is waiting on his death bed, waiting impatiently and kept asking God why is he punished such! (HA HA, shall not question yr 'boss' why, but how I guess!) his constant mumbles rumbles and battling with chemo ended few days past, Takziah to his family. It rain during th burial ceremony, my bro as a boss/friends went to the ceremony to help things up, and morale and physical support to his family is needed at things point of time, something weird happen, when the undertaker shove the water out from the 6-ft'-under the water kept flooding in the hole (hole??) soon after endless trying they have to buried still the body, the amazing thing was the body afloat on top of the water, the last resort was to topple his body with bricks to keep him laid rest down under!!! (I'm insaf!)
Days after the grieving ceremony and insurance recovery and splitting money (I guess, too much dramarama!) her wife sort his belongings and others, and turn on his mobile phone (keh keh keh) and found out smses from his secret Sarawakian lover, she asked hi and hello and how are u, aren't u dying yet?? (something like that laaa) and the wife got mad and called the girl and scolded her and 'fucked' her up (kesian kesian + padan muka + keh keh keh) and when the wife confronted to this dead man best mate, it is confirm about the relationship, and the best mate got scolded too and the wife said (PADAN MUKA MATI!!) ahahha something like (GOOD THAT U R DEAD, GOOD FOR U, SERVED YOUR RIGHT!)

p/s- source of this story is by my bro, from my mum, she reminds me not to be bad..

Monday, November 3, 2008

what a day!

to go through, I end up my night kind of late (this is my own fault) Had a 'boogy' nite and kind of 'jumpy' and u name it.. 'raw' 'saucy' nite, woke up at 5 just to noticed I haven't pack any of my 1 day trip journey!... By 630 a.m I'm off to KL to meet up with the other hunters (treasure hunters) I carpooled with Fazli (my mum's officer!) in his Honda Civic EX where we ditched our car for, and a bad day for me not really because of the Honda but because of my bad-ass purging activities, flatulence? (I can;t describe) the gassy/airy problem I'm suffering during the 8 hrs journey to Lumut, since it's treasure hunt thingy all the answers were all placed/located @ the jalan kampung (instead of 3 hrs by Highway) and this stoping/navigating maps/breaking downs codes from KL-HARTAMAS-IPOH-BIDOR and god knows where (bet mother Theresa would suffer from the same prob) everything seems blurred and bad when the clocks ticked to 2p.m I had to tahan berak and tahan kentut (it's not our car, It's my mum's officer) owh come onnnn.... I didn't drink anything, scared I terberak or nak berak!!!...
Once reached our hotel, things are more relaxed compared during the journey but still I berak berak!!... that night during the get-together dinner.. I only eat some soft rolls (just to noticed there is strand of hair in the rolls, fuck!) and white rice and 5 slices of cooked carrot ...after 2 times off to the jamban! I ended up pretty well during the karaoke session which I sang few tunes inclusive Kelly Clarkson's ahahah ...after the midnight soirée I wanted to continue my night @ the bar ( still berak2 though) but the bar was jammed pack with whoever!.. so straight off to bed and won the 6 times Emmy award for 6 times going to the loo to berak, it's suffering since I didn't dare to filled my body with the sufficient amount of water yet I'm flushing out!...
The next day is a happy day for me, we skipped bfast and chose to dine in with only plain porridge and tea and alsooo this med that prevented me from berak on the journey home, I survived without food for hours! though it's killing me when my mum and Fazli went for Nasi Briyani and Ayam Madu, I went for a shopping spree to kill my burning desire to eat!!>..
I took a medical leave today ehehehh (still drugged and hangover from galloping bowls of porridge)