Sunday, October 26, 2008

when I failed to ;.

- speak out whatever I wished, to whoever I felt to tell who (I think) deserved to know what I felt, but I didn't manage to tell,call,express using any of my organs/medium/methods or worst I'M SCARED, I guess my last resort is to write and still I didn't/lazy to post it out so let me BLOG it... it's more telling the person my feeling towards them..or how sorry/hate/in love/lustrous? to them...
I felt bad by doing this but by all means I mean it good..eheh This is where is born, felt the best way to channel my expressive expression!... (must I imagined u there!)

p/s: it's a cracked of me to blab about this 'newborn', the write up is here and there, cause I'm freshed from the 'lunch' had with my 'friend' The hummping and shouting is hysterically physical and stamina-eating moment (got me??) ehem hemm

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