Monday, October 13, 2008

xXXL for better!

  • :- not willing to share my button-nose with the public, my biggest disturbia is my button-nose (dear, GOD, I'm blessed with my nose, thank you! but a bit segan laaa..)
  • :-ready for my driving license
  • :- shared my new big O reading glasses with my students (the f***-ing love it!)

  • :-managed to smile at the local grocer in my brand new spec, (Pasar Segar man/boy uishh hemsemm)

  • :- very super comfortable compared to my other glasses and lens! ahah (religiously wearing it!

      • :-cha, you don't mind rite befriend with a buttoned-nose kawan rite?
p/s : Title is an inspiration from Cleo mags!


suya said...

so wat wit buttoned nose?its a trend okay....
love ur glasses!comel!

Anonymous said...

harap kan suya je la ngomen, lain suma 'station bas' kan blog haku!...muacksss-

dah nak memandu kene pakai spek!