Monday, December 8, 2008

read this!!


I should butt strutting myself at the bfast bar, lined the kids and shove the food around instead of butt mounted myself blogging, ahh why not? It's raya and everyone is getting ready for semayang raya....The kids are not going to starve trust me because yesterday I well-fed them with Swensen's with the bake rice and spaghetti and all the Big Apple's I guess they can stand on an empty tummy untill the Hajj season ended *hurmmm* Ok let's get back to it, wishing u ols SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA.....

p/s:: apart from 'others' who are well cling their branded Tote around. I'm happily with mine to its written and travel as far as HARVARD *seriousssssss*
pss::proud of carrying one without even a cents needed to be there... *Tq to my mum* :PPP eat my wordddddddddddd U better do!!!!! weehuuuuuuuuuuu

1 comment:

suya said...

slamat raye sarah!;)